Technical >> Electrical Engineering

Motor Current Signature Analysis





Fee inclusive of VAT

Course Overview

in this course we will explain the typical motor faults and address state-of-the-art current signature techniques for diagnosing a variety of defects., Learn relationships between current and vibration monitoring to detect the root cause of problems. Describe fundamentals of variable frequency drives.

Course Objective

  • A hands-on understanding Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA)
  • The electrodynamics and construction of induction motors
  • The features of high quality motors
  • The operation of variable frequency drives
  • Increased confidence in fault diagnosis

Who Should Attend?

Plant managers, safety and reliability engineers, consultants, university professors, maintenance personnel.

Course Outline

  • Monitoring for electrical drive systems
  • Causes and effects of: broken rotor bars, abnormal airgap eccentricity, shorted turns in stator windings
  • Interrelationships between current and vibration monitoring to detect the root cause (RCA) of problems
  • Fundamentals on current signature analysis
  • MCSA instrumentation
  • Current signature patterns due to faults
  • Reliable interpretation of current spectra
  • Prediction of fault severity: reliability and limitations
  • MCSA products: operation, strengths, and limitations
  • Diagnosis of mechanical problems via MCSA
  • Signal processing concepts and issues

Training Methodology

  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

Terms & Conditions

ACTrain reserves the right to alter the Course Schedule without Prior Notification, Fees Quoted are Subject to Terms & Conditions Outlined in ACTrain's Registration Policy

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