Course Overview
Successful organizations recognize that innovation and creative solutions to problems significantly enhance business potential. Today's decision makers must employ a variety of thinking styles, methodologies and creative processes to achieve competitive advantage.
In this course, you develop your skills as a critical thinker and problem solver. You learn to leverage your personal thinking preferences using tools and techniques based on cutting-edge technologies.
Course Objective
- Make better decisions through critical thinking and innovation
- Adapt to different thinking styles in group and team environments
- Foster an innovative environment in your workplace
- Recognize and remove barriers to individual and group creativity
- Systematically analyze a target problem
- Present your ideas clearly and concisely for maximum stakeholder buy-in
- Transform your creativity into practical business solutions
Who Should Attend??
This course is valuable for anyone who makes decisions at any level of the organization.
Course Outline
- Innovative and Creative Thinking
- Definition of Creativity and Innovation
- Human mind and the different types of thinking
- The creative process
- Characteristics of creative work
- Characteristics of creative and innovative people
- Managing thinking preferences
- Barriers to creativity and innovation
- The role of organization in enhancing creative and innovative thinking
- The Nature of Managerial Work
- .Delegation and Empowerment
Training Methodology
- Presentation & Slides
- Audio Visual Aids
- Interactive Discussion
- Participatory Exercise
- Action Learning
- Class Activities
- Case Studies
- Workshops
- Simulation