Course Overview
This course is aimed at introducing the power-substation layout and design to utility and industrial engineers. The course will cover substation layout, design, grounding and protection. The course will be supported by practical design examples.
Course Objective
To improve the skills of engineers involved in design, operation and maintenance of electric power substation. A degree in electrical engineering is recommended to gain maximum benefit from the course
Who Should Attend??
Engineers involved in design, operation and maintenance of power substations. A degree in electrical engineering is recommended to gain maximum benefit.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Power Systems
- Substations componets
- H.V Substations up to 220 kV
- Transformers
- Reactors
- Regulators
- Outgoing and Incoming Overhead Lines
- Substation Grounding
- Zones of Protection
- Circuit Breakers
- Reclosers, Sectionalizers and Fuses
Training Methodology
- Presentation & Slides
- Audio Visual Aids
- Interactive Discussion
- Participatory Exercise
- Action Learning
- Class Activities
- Case Studies
- Workshops
- Simulation