Environmental Management Practices
ممارسات الإدارة البيئية
LanguageLanguage: EN / AR

Course Overview

This course covers the many effects of safety , health and environmental information to protect industrial institutions and human health.

Course Objective

  • Identify Chemical Hazards
  • Recognize Chemical Materials by categories
  • Read Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Follow storage requirements

Who Should Attend??

Anyone working with chemicals, Dangerous Materials and hazardous materials

Course Outline

  • Identifying chemical hazards
    • labeling system
    • color code
  • Hazard classes
    • Flammable
    • Oxides
    • Toxic
    • Corrosive
    • Radiation
    • Biological
  • Material Safety Data Sheets
    • Hazard diamonds
    • Statement of hazard class
    • UN Number
    • Dangerous goods class
    • Hatchet code
    • Subsidiary risk.
    • The 'walk-through'
  • Measuring hazard
    • Environmental measures
    • Biological measures
  • Evaluating risk
  • Controlling risks
    • Elimination of the risk
    • Isolation of the risk
    • Minimizing the risk
    • Monitoring the risk.
  • Hazardous Material Emergency Spill Response
  • Storage Requirements
    • Storage cabins
    • Safety cans
    • Fume hoods
    • Refrigerators
    • Other requirements
  • Fire precaution and prevention
Protective clothing and emergency equipment

Training Methodology

  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation