Occupational Hygiene
النظافة المهنية
LanguageLanguage: English

Course Overview

Provide an introductory course outlining the broad principles in occupational hygiene as the basis for anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards that can be encountered in the workplace.

Course Objective

  • The value of occupational hygiene and the role of the occupational hygienist
  • The range of hazards (physical and chemical) in the workplace
  • Hazard recognition techniques
  • Sources and potential routes of exposure
  • Hazard evaluation, exposure assessment and measurement processes
  • Methods of controlling exposure
  • The management of occupational hygiene programmes.

Who Should Attend??

This course is intended for occupational health officers, hygienists, HSE staff, medical doctors and nurses involved in industrial hygien

Course Outline

  • Definition of occupational hygiene
  • The importance of occupational hygiene today
  • Human physiology
  • Chemical hazards recognition
  • Hazard and Risk
  • Physical hazards recognition
  • Hazard evaluation
  • Control of hazard

Training Methodology

  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation