Course Overview
Advanced Security Skills and Management are two key elements for the successful development
Course Objective
- Upgrades industrial security methods and skills and reporting required to direct, control and operate all industrial security systems applied in the establishment
- Ensure the awareness and best performances to overcome accidents, hazards and emergency situations
- Enhance the knowledge and skills of industrial security personnel in the fields of risk analysis, hazards preventions and protection measures against dangerous occurrences injuries, accidents, crimes, felonies, thefts within establishments
- Upgrade security scope of work
- Training plans action plans and on the job training for industrial security personnel
Who Should Attend??
- Security supervisors / officers, Facility supervisors / Industrial security personnel
Course Outline
- New methods of industrial Inspection
- New trends in reporting for accidents prevention
- Effective task group forces and rescue operations
- Developing responsibilities of industrial security personnel
- Proper approach and reaction of industrial security personnel at the accident scenery
- Best action plans for expected situations
- Means of Communication for Industrial Security Personnel
- Responsibility of industrial security in the prevention of crime
- Role of industrial security in the protection of public ownership
- Accidents, crime and risk analyses within an establishment
- Prints (eye, ear, lips) in personal identification
- Scientific Bases for Security Operations
- Modern security policy of an establishment
- Evaluation of industrial security
- Proper selection and employment of industrial security personnel
- Administration procedures related to industrial security
- On the job training for industrial security
- Preparing Training Plans for industrial Security Personnel
- Upgrading conception and various skills of industrial security
Training Methodology
- Presentation & Slides
- Audio Visual Aids
- Interactive Discussion
- Participatory Exercise
- Action Learning
- Class Activities
- Case Studies
- Workshops
- Simulation