Management / Costing Finance and Accounting


The Vat Framework: Compliance, Implementation & Management


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This specially-designed VAT Framework training seminar examines the rules and regulations of VAT and clearly demonstrates the procedures and controls that should be in place to ensure VAT returns are submitted accurately and on time.

  • Develop a better understanding of how VAT applies through the supply chain
  • Know how to account for VAT
  • Understand how to avoid VAT becoming a cost to your business
  • Appreciate the impact of VAT across all your business units
  • Have a roadmap on how to prepare your business for VAT

The VAT Framework training course will benefit CFO’s, Finance Managers, Internal Auditors, Accountants, IT Managers, Procurement Managers, Managers of Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable Departments, as well as Finance Professionals interested in developing their understanding of this new legislation.

  • Introduction To VAT & Compliance
  • Meaning Of VAT
  • The New Legislation
  • VAT Implementation & Its Effects On Business Processes
  • Pre-Requisites & Preparation For Businesses Before VAT Implementation
  • Differentiate Accounting Methods Concerning VAT
  • Calculate Input VAT And Output VAT
  • VAT Management & Beyond
  • Understand The Impact Of VAT On The Imports And Exports To The Member Countries(GCC)And Non-Member Countries(Rest Of The World).
  • Understand The Impact Of VAT On The Operational And The Financial Performance Of The Business
  • Preparation Of The Invoices Including VAT And Returns
  • Understand VAT Administration, Fines And Penalties Related To VAT Filing

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  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

Terms & Conditions

ACTrain reserves the right to alter the Course Schedule without Prior Notification, Fees Quoted are Subject to Terms & Conditions Outlined in ACTrain's Registration Policy


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