Technical / Electrical Engineering


Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR): Operation & Maintenance


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Utilities are required to provide power to their customers within a specific range of voltage. Voltages that are outside of that range may damage equipment or cause it to operate inefficiently. For example, voltage that is significantly lower than the desired range may cause lights to dim and motors to burn out. Voltage that is significantly higher may cause lights or appliances to fail prematurely. In an ideal ac power system, the voltage and frequency at every supply point would be constant and free of harmonics, and the power factor would be unity. In particular these parameters would be independent of the size and characteristics of consumers' load. In an ideal system, each load could be designed for optimum performance at the given supply voltage, rather than for merely adequate performance over an unpredictable range of voltage. Moreover, there could be no interference between different loads as a result of variations in the current taken by each one.

  • Describe why voltage regulation is needed in a transmission and distribution system
  • Explain the Effect of Raising Voltage at the Substation Bus
  • Identify the main components of automatic voltage regulator
  • Identify the principle of operation of the auto re-closure
  • Explain the typical locations of auto-re-closure on the distribution system
  • Identify the advantages of installing auto-re-closures on the distribution system
  • Describe how a sectionalize operates in a re-closure circuit
  • Describe how an automatic voltage regulator adjusts voltage

In general, electrical power engineers, supervisors and qualified distribution system technicians can which work in substation and operation & maintenance of distribution department take part in this course.

  • Introduction
  • Construction And Function
  • Operation Procedures: Auto Re-Closure, Voltage Regulators
  • Circuit Breakers Gas Turbine Combustion
  • Voltage Regulators Inspection And Control Gasification Of Solid Fuels
  • Operating Mechanisms For Auto Re-Closers
  • Regulator Replacement
  • The Procedure Of Trouble Analysis
  • Common Trouble & Remedial Actions
  • Supervisory-Local-Remote Control Circuits Of C.B.
  • Secondary Wiring Of Control Circuit
  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

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