Technical / Reliability, Maintenance, Integrity & Inspection Engineering
Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
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In this course the participants will learn latest concepts ,techniques required for managing or supervising a advanced maintenance ,understand preventive and predictive maintenance ,Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) ,techniques to measure equipment effectiveness and various control mechanisms.
- Focus on the advanced maintenance.
- Improve the trainer skills in maintenance planning.
- Improve the ability of managers or supervisors to lead the maintenance departments.
- Maintenance Managers
- Maintenance Supervisors
- Maintenance Engineers
- Definition of maintenance.
- Role of maintenance manager
- Effective maintenance team.
- Total productive maintenance.
- Maintenance planning.
- Benefits & tools of maintenance planning.
- Controlling maintenance work.
- Various control mechanisms.
- Measuring & evaluating maintenance performance.
- Maintenance key performance indicators.
- Managing the maintenance staff.
- Scheduling & implement action.
- Continuous improvement in maintenance.
- Problem identification & solution
- Presentation & Slides
- Audio Visual Aids
- Interactive Discussion
- Participatory Exercise
- Action Learning
- Class Activities
- Case Studies
- Workshops
- Simulation
Terms & Conditions
ACTrain reserves the right to alter the Course Schedule without Prior Notification, Fees Quoted are Subject to Terms & Conditions Outlined in ACTrain's Registration Policy