Health, Safety & Security / Health & Safety


Hazardous Waste Control & Pollution Prevention


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Engineering management of hazardous wastes and pollution , including extraction, containment, and biological, chemical, and physical destruction technologies. Aspects include engineering characterization, problem definition, treatment, and monitoring. Analysis and design emphasized through problems, examinations, and report writing.

The course will deal with managerial options for avoiding the creation of hazardous wastes and for dealing with hazardous wastes as they are created or as they are found in contaminated sites.

  • Identify Chemical Hazards

  • Recognize Chemical Materials by categories

  • Read Material Safety Data Sheets

  • Follow storage requirements

  • How to plan for pollution prevention

Anyone working with chemicals and hazardous materials

  • Identifying Chemical Hazards: Labeling System, Color Code
  • Hazard Classes
  • Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Measuring Hazard: Environmental Measures And Biological Measures
  • Evaluating Risk
  • Controlling Risks: Elimination Of The Risk, Isolation Of The Risk, Minimizing The Risk, Monitoring The Risk.
  • Hazardous Material Emergency Spill Response
  • Storage Requirements
  • Hazardous Waste Control
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

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