Health, Safety & Security / Health & Safety


Process Safety and Risk Management


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Definition of risks, issues and associated principles, Risk and issue management within the lifecycle of projects and programs, Risk identification and evaluation is the most major aspects to be covered in this course.

This course is for project and programme sponsors, steering group members, key stakeholders, project managers, programme managers, project team members and programme office staff.

  • project and program sponsors
  • steering group members
  • key stakeholders
  • project managers
  • program managers
  • project team members
  • program office staff.
  • Definition of risks, issues and associated principles
  • Risk and issue management within the lifecycle of projects and programs
  • Risk identification and evaluation
  • Mitigation: action planning and responsibilities
  • Using risk and issue registers
  • Risk and issue reporting and review
  • Establishing risk and issue management within projects
  • Programme level risk management
  • Monitoring and improving the risk and issue management processes
  • Putting this to work on your next project or programme
  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

Terms & Conditions

ACTrain reserves the right to alter the Course Schedule without Prior Notification, Fees Quoted are Subject to Terms & Conditions Outlined in ACTrain's Registration Policy


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