Management / Business Management


Employee Performance and Weaknesses Management


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المحتوى التفصيلي متوفر باللغة العربية
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  • Define the major components of performance management.
  • Apply the concepts and business models together with the analytical techniques used in the strategic management process.
  • Understand the internal and external pressures facing today’s organisation.
  • Manage the key issues of ‘change management’ and the influences on organizational performance that culture imposes on the business.
  • Examine the role of leaders in today’s organisation.

Managers, supervisors ,administration and staff whose job involves building teams as well as working in teams

  • Understand Your Organization
  • The ethical implications.
  • Leadership to Achievement
  • Leadership roles and styles – Leadership characteristics.
  • Building a team structure.
  • Introducing a performance culture – Motivating you team.
  • Managing Behaviour & Achieving Performance
  • Transactional Analysis.
  • Identifying sources and roots of conflict.
  • Identify performance indicators - the 4 perspectives: outcomes, customers, processes and people.
  • The road map for implementation
  • High level process map, what are the key processes.
  • KPI selection principles
  • Understanding Strategy
  • Change Management
  • Organisational Culture – its impact on change.
  • Why organisation need to change.
  • Change management and leadership styles.
  • The role of leaders in organisational Change..
  • How to survive in a change management process.
  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

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