Management / Purchasing Materials Management


Inventory, Purchasing & Stores Management


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In today's economy, companies must be able to move large quantities of product quickly to locations across the globe. Overnight delivery methods have drastically altered customers' expectations regarding delivery times. In light of these changes, effective Inventory Management is no longer static- the emphasis is on movement, and quick response to changing market demands.

  • Maximize user service and provide fast and accurate issuing.
  • Plan and control the warehousing operation to minimize the operational costs.
  • Guarantee safety to the warehouse personnel and facilities.
  • Plan to develop the warehouse personnel.
  • Plan to deal and work with the problems and constraints related to warehousing management in the Arab World.

Those involved in warehousing store activities, both at the operational and supervisory levels. The program is also appropriate for anyone interested to know more about the interaction between warehousing and other materials management functions - purchasing, inventory control and distribution.

  • Introduction To Warehousing Management
  • Inventory Classification And Inventory Record Accuracy
  • Inventory Record Accuracy
  • Organizing The Storage And Material Handling
  • Safety In The Warehouse
  • Dealing With People-Related Warehousing Problems
  • Productivity In The Warehouse
  • Audit Of A Warehouse
  • Presentation & Slides
  • Audio Visual Aids
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Participatory Exercise
  • Action Learning
  • Class Activities
  • Case Studies
  • Workshops
  • Simulation

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